Tourist in DC
I have never been to DC so of course I had to do all the touristy stuff.
Only in America

Caroline and Bush

After I took this photo, someone told me I remind her of 'a young Yoko Ono'. I looked so stunned, she had to explain she meant it as a compliment. I thanked her. Even though she said I look like someone whom I think is fugly.

Big Abe

With Gustaf and his mother

Why pose like a happy tourist when you can be an angry one?
Art Dir: Howie
Stylist: Gustaf
Photographer: Howie
Taken when Gustaf's mother was away.

you look remarkably slim and prets in these pictures. what have you done to those dougnuts and hot dogs you were supposed to be gorging yourself on on holiday?
top marks for the slick styling and photography! quality!
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